Thursday, December 4, 2008

Naomi Klien vs Milton Friedman

Naomi Klien- Shock Doctrine and Milton Friedman exchange ideas

Milton Friedman Debates Naomi Klein

Naomi (click part 2 and so on to see all six)

AND recent responses by CATO institute (click through to see piece by piece responses)

I would love to see a discussion between Naomi and Johan about this subject.

When does standing up for rights make sense?

One concern I have about a nation that thinks of itself as a free one is the use of political force to oppress a minority.

Some people only rise up to complain about an abuse if the abuse affects them personally.

Why should an abuse have to hit close to home to get our attention?

Each election season we get deeper into this pendulum swinging match between two sides of a political spectrum and we ALL suffer more and more each cycle.

I pray that the latest iteration, the one that ran on 'Change' will actually mean a change in the whole big picture and not just a simple return to the left side of the field.